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Insert data into an array problem. Please Please I need your help guys!!!! I'm so frustrated.

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Accepted by topic author GRCK5000

Your incrementing array needs to be anchored on the outermost while loop and wired across all cases. Then just append whenever that state occurs:


Here's a quick snapshot of two relevant cases how it could be done.





(... and no, there is no need for your subVI and please don't create hollow subVI icons! They need to have a closed boundary)


There are plenty of things that could be dramatically improved and simplified, but that's up to you for now. Personally, there should not be any long waits (>100ms) anywhere! 😄 )

Message 11 of 14

I have to agree that you are truly the LabView champion. A LOT OF RESPECT FOR YOU!!!!! HAT OFF TO YOU!!! I have people yelling at me here like mad dogs 😄. I was wondering if I would ever get an answer. I really like how you easily solved it. Not only that, you told me what I was doing wrong. I want you to be my labview instructor. If you have tutorials somewhere, let me know. I'd be glad to watch them.

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Message 12 of 14

Obviously you are new at this so I am going to offer you some advice...


If you ever find yourself reaching for a Sequence Structure (Flat or worse yet Stacked Sequence).


Stop, take a step back, and think about it.


Because honestly except for a few rare instances, the Sequence Structure should not be used.


Main reason, there is no way to abort a Sequence once you enter it.

=== Engineer Ambiguously ===
Message 13 of 14

Good to know man! Thanks for the advice. I appreciate it.

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Message 14 of 14