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Implementing serial communication to the existing parallel communication

Hi all,


Currently I am doing a project to create a portable yet inexpensive energy meter.

The main hardwares that I am using are ADE7753 as the energy IC, and Rogowski coil as the current sensor.

Right now, the ADE7753 sends the data to PC through parallel communication.

Therefore, I would like to implement the serial communication to the existing parallel communication as next step.


However, I found it is very difficult to begin the programming part. The labview program that I have is a modified version. The original one was received from Analog Devices.


Hopefully, you guys can help me with this matter.

Here I have attached the file

Thank you

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Message 1 of 4



if I'm not mistaken you just want to use a serial communication (VISA)?


This document maybe gives you a good way to start...


Good luck

Kind regards,

- Bjorn -

Have fun using LabVIEW... and if you like my answer, please pay me back in Kudo's 😉
LabVIEW 5.1 - LabVIEW 2012
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Message 2 of 4

Hi ABCPrograms,


First of all, thank you for your response 🙂


Sorry for not really focuing on my problem. Previously, I also have a problem in connecting to serial, however, I have solved it.

Now actually, I have a problem of VI in which it can retrieve data from USB or parallel communication. However, I need to use serial communication to retrieve the data.

I wonder how to do it in serial communication.


Here I attach how USB and parallel communication retrieve the data. Feel free to look at it.


I really thank you and appreciate your help in this matter.



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Message 3 of 4



mmm, I can't seem to figure out how your program works, but I bet it's just me 😉


This is how you could write a serial communication (even better to put it in a state engine and a functional global for the data)


If you need to send commands before a reply then you can add that by your self



Kind regards,

- Bjorn -

Have fun using LabVIEW... and if you like my answer, please pay me back in Kudo's 😉
LabVIEW 5.1 - LabVIEW 2012
Message 4 of 4