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I can't make NI DAQ AO1 send signals

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I have developed a program in LabVIEW to send a trigger signal to a camera. Initially, I had used AO0 of the DAQ to trigger the camera and it works fine. Now, I just try to use AO1 instead (by simply modifying the code) and it won't trigger the camera. Switching back to AO0 works again. And as of now, I am not using two outputs simultaneously. Next step will be to wait for an input, perhaps in AI0, to generate output in AO1.

I'd appreciate any thoughts on this.

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Message 1 of 5

There isn't a lot to go off of here. I would check to make sure your connections are correct and that you have the correct channel specified throughout your porgram. I would also check to see if you can get a signal on AO1 in MAX testpanels to eliminate it being your code.

National Instruments
Applications Engineer
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Message 2 of 5

@farahikia83 wrote:

Initially, I had used AO0 of the DAQ to trigger the camera and it works fine. Now, I just try to use AO1 instead (by simply modifying the code) and it won't trigger the camera. Switching back to AO0 works again.

You have to wire AO1 to the trigger.  Simply changing the code will not do the job.

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Message 3 of 5
Accepted by topic author farahikia83
I found the problem. It may sound dumb, but I wasn't paying attention that as I was modifying the code it was switching to device2, but I was still using device1 to trigger the cameras.
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Message 4 of 5
I'm aware of wiring principle!
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Message 5 of 5