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How to stack plots using Waveform Graph??

Can I stack two plots of the type waveform graph. The two plots have the same X scale but different Y scales. Can anyone suggest how this can be done as I don't see any options for stacking plots for waveform graphs in LabVIEW.
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Message 1 of 13
Just place a waveform graph on the front panel. Right-click the Y scale and select "Duplicate Scale" and that's it. In the properties window of the graph you can assign the plots to the scale.
Hope this helps.
Using LV8.0
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Message 2 of 13


Can I create stacked plots with waveform graphs as one can do with waveform charts...i.e., viewing graph plots as multiple vertical scales.

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Message 3 of 13
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Message 4 of 13
why no? 😛
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Message 5 of 13
Because stacking is not a possible feature of a graph - only a chart. You can have multiple scales though, as explained here.
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Message 6 of 13
Of course I know that.... my question is why is has not implemented that why.... why graph doesn have that option. I can use only graphs as charts cannot handle the amount of data I have to display, and I have only 2 sides of the graph for multiple scales.... awfull. Decimation is not an option.
Rigth now I am stacking different graphs but that is really painfull for plot names, scales, etc.
Any ideas?
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Message 7 of 13

I have no idea why stacking was not implemented for graphs. I've never had much need for it and haven't look at options other than stacking separate graphs. Maybe someone else has a better idea.

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Message 8 of 13
While it's not exactly the same as "stack plots" on a waveform chart, you can use a mixed signal graph to accomplish what you want.

Drop a MSG.  Right click on plot area and choose "Add Plot area".  Wire your data to the graph and run (so you have however many plots, lets assume two).  Assign the plots to the scales such that one is on each plot area.


Jason King
National Instruments
Message 9 of 13
thanks, that will do it Smiley Happy
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Message 10 of 13