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How to program MSP430 microcontroller through JTAG port

I was searching around the community and I could not seem to find a good guide on how this is done.  I already have the program for the microcontroller.  I just need to be able to load it into the device.  Typically I have always done this with the tools provided by the manufacturer of the device or some third party.  I have been asked if this can be done directly from my Labview program to skip an outside step in our testing programs.  It seems like this is very possible but I am not sure how I go about it.  The device they want to program is a Texas Instruments MSP430FR2433 16 MHz MCU.  Sounds like I might need to purchase an addon possible?

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@BretRidgel42 wrote:

Typically I have always done this with the tools provided by the manufacturer of the device or some third party.

What programmers and utilities do you normally use?


My company does not use MSP430, but in my experience with other processors, FPGAs, CPLDs, etc., most programmers/debuggers will ship with command line tools that allow you to run a script (or have such a utility available with an additional license cost).


If you are just looking to get the programming done, the simplest way to integrate this into LabVIEW is to use the System Exec VI to call such command line utility. You should be able to check the return code to verify success.


Otherwise, you need to determine what API is available to communicate with your JTAG tool.

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