07-14-2006 04:31 AM
We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.
07-14-2006 04:41 AM
07-14-2006 04:42 AM
07-14-2006 04:47 AM
We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.
07-14-2006 04:51 AM
Ok - so now we know the target. And unfortunately I have to say, I would also try to iterate over the ports (but rather with one vi than two - maybe there's another reason for that). But unless there is no "port in use" error this is quite difficult.
@chipie wrote:
I intend to use a global array to record serial port name in used
07-14-2006 04:57 AM
Hi Chipie,
I think we still require more information about what you intend to do.
How do you intend to carry out the iteration? Will you do this by calling each port in turn, and then use the error received as a way of verifying the port is in use.
07-14-2006 08:28 AM
07-14-2006 08:59 AM
07-14-2006 09:26 AM
I thought VISA has a built in semaphor lock, when you open a VISA session a lock is aquired for the resource (ie COM1) and if another session tries to use this resource an error will occur. Visa will manage your resources for you to prevent conflicts.
07-14-2006 09:51 AM