07-31-2009 05:24 AM
07-31-2009 06:07 AM
Hi beeee,
do you mean separate check box controls or do you mean the hierarchy? You can use an invoke node to select the child items if you select a parent node.
07-31-2009 06:26 AM
07-31-2009 06:31 AM
Please take a look into "Traverse Tree and Set Custom Symbols.vi". This VI should be included in your example finder, at least if you are working with LV 8.6.
Is this comparable to what you want to do?
07-31-2009 07:12 AM
07-31-2009 08:15 AM
You are very, very lucky that i am currently working on a similar task for my software. Therefore, i can share you my "proof of concept" which still has "minor bugs" (in regard to what i want to have). Nevertheless, i think you can see what its about. Sure, there might be more prudent solutions, so if someone else is willing to provide better approaches, please step in and let us know!
hope this helps,
PS: Please note that the attachement is LV 8.6.1
07-31-2009 08:33 AM
Due to some restraints i encountered, it would be very difficult to adopt the behavior of the tree to my needs.
Therefore i think i will create an XControl for my application based on the previously attached example. The reason for this decision is simple: With an XControl, i can bundle visual appearance, data storage and data handling in a single control.
07-31-2009 08:35 AM
To create the effect you want, you basically need to adjust a tree item's symbol programatically, replacing an "unchecked box" symbol with a "checked box" symbol whenever your user clicks on the area of interest. I have attached a VI showing how this is done and here's a screenshot of that VI if you don't have LabVIEW 8.6:
The functionality revolves around a mouse up event (ie when a user lets go of the mouse button) followed by an invoke node of the tree control called "Point To Row Column" - This funciton outputs a boolean informing you whether the click was over a symbol and the tag of the item that was clicked. The tag is then used to select the appropriate item (using the Active Item: Tag property node) and the Active Item: Symbol is used to see what the current symbol is. Once that is done, I simple set the symbol to either checked or unchecked, whichever is opposite to the current status.
I hope this helps you,
07-31-2009 08:59 AM
I am really lucky 🙂 Thank you very much.
07-28-2016 04:30 AM
Thank you very much Norbert_B