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How to load vector or raster charts/maps and plot GPS positions using labview



I want to plot/mark GPS positions on available vector charts/maps (S-57-7 etc) or raster maps (which ever is easier). I have successfully parsed the GPS data in labview and separated latitude and longitude coordinates but don't know how to load/open maps in labview and then plot GPS coordinates on it.


I goggled and found mapwin gis activex and arcgis controls  but don't know how to use them in labview. I cannot do this on other languages (c# VB .NET etc) because my assignment is to use labview for this job. I have goggled for a week but still can't get any solution.


Please help me in this problem. I would be glad if someone attach any sample mapping plotting labview vi (using mapwin gis activex or any other )



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Message 1 of 4



While I have never used the MapWinGS ActiveX Control, would you be able to use LabVIEW as an activeX Container? More information can be found in the following article for using that feature of LabVIEW:


Otherwise, would you be able to load up the map as an image and modify it? That is to say, simply treat the map as an image and overlay the GPS Information by modifying the image's array?


Finally, would you happen to have checked out the GoogleMaps example? While it uses the Google API To load up Maps, it might still be worthwhile looking into:


I wish you a great day!



Simon P.

National Instruments
Applications Engineer
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Message 2 of 4

Thanks for your reply.


You talked about loading up the map as an image and modify it by treating it as an image, can you attach some sample  file for it.


How can we overlay the GPS Information on this image because GPS position is in lat long?. How we convert the image into a real map?


What technique you used for loading of map in labview and overlaying GPS data?

Waiting for your reply



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Message 3 of 4

As long as you know the lat/ long values for the top left and lower right corners of your map tile/ picture/ image you can put this behind an X/ Y graph but make the back ground and grid lines of the graph transparant, when you feed the positions you want to plot to the X/ Y graph in array form you can make them appear on the graph which looks like they are on the map.


Have a look at for some other ideas around this method - Mike

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