04-22-2016 01:00 AM
Hi. I want to send different constants(t,b or c) to visa write instead of write control. The constants should be sent when i press a button in front panel.
04-22-2016 01:50 AM
04-22-2016 05:11 AM
Even better answer: Use a combo box as a control that can then be written directly into the VISA Write. No case structure necessary.
04-22-2016 05:53 AM
04-22-2016 08:06 AM
GerdW wrote: sometimes you might not want to send a command at all, so I still suggest to use a case structure 🙂
That is true. But not in this case. From another thread (http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/When-highlight-execution-is-quot-ON-quot-i-get-the-output-but/m-p/32...) I know the instrument uses a command-response protocol.