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How to input xml streaming data

I'm trying to figure out how to access a streaming xml file in labview. I have an application where I can set the xml service port for data output and I would like to take this stream and read it in a VI on the same computer. I'm not well versed in xml streaming, but it seems I should be able to list the port in some labview VI and get my xml stream out. I've tried searching for an answer for this problem for a while with no luck. Is there a simple answer? Or is there a good place for me to start reading and learning how to do this? Thanks.

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When you are talking about "port", i am thinking of TCP protocol. Sure you can use TCP in your LV code, see example finder for this.


BUT: You read strings, so if this is an XML string, you might want to "analyze" it. I am not sure if you can use the predefined XML functions since they expect to receive valid XML strings containing a closing tag for each openening tag. In a stream, i find it possible, that this is not the case, which would create tons of errors...



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