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How to incorporate 'Send acknowledgement' button in the given scenario?


I have designed a client server model. Client sends a message to server and once the server receives the message a popup shows message received successfully. Post which the user has to click on the send ack button. When this button is clicked, a popup has to appear on the client end saying ack successful. Could anyone kindly let me know how the 'send ack' button can be incorporated in the given code?

Herewith, I attach both the client vi and server vi with this. Thank you in advance.

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Message 1 of 3

You failed to attach a VI.  VIs have the extension ".vi".  They can be opened in LabVIEW, show a Front Panel and Block Diagram, can be edited (in LabVIEW), can be executed (when opened in LabVIEW), can have functions added or changed, etc.


Please attach your VIs.  Pictures are often not worth the time inspecting.


Bob Schor

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Message 2 of 3

Dear folks,


I have designed a UDP client-server model.


How it works?

1. sends a message to

2. Upon receiving the server displays a dialog box saying "Received Successfully!
Waiting for Acknowledgement"

3. When the user clicks on "OK" button on the dialog box , it displays one more dialog box saying "Ack successful"


Issue faced:

In this code, everything is working fine except for the popup keeps on appearing indefinitely. I kindly request someone to help me fix this issue.


The popup has to be displayed only once and need to wait until the next message is passed from Your help will be really appreciated. Thank you. Herewith, I attach both the client and server vi with this. Have a wonderful day.

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