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How to give Network Stream Endpoint as an Input/Output to a Sub VI

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I have a program to write data to a stream and read it using the host.In the Reader program,I have a SubVI to which I need to pass the Network Stream Endpoint .I am unable to do that.,In the program in the link,he says to have a VI that reads an element from the stream.If you see the screenshot,He connected the Network Stream Endpoint to a subVi.I am unable to do that.Can some body please tell me how to do it.

Thank You

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Message 1 of 8

It can be done ..


To be more specific, what is the exact error you are getting . Can you post your vi?



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Message 2 of 8


In the above , you can see him giving Network Stream Reder as Input to Vector Histogram.I want ot know how to do that.Thanks

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Message 3 of 8
Accepted by topic author Power_Star

You will have to place a control of the network stream in your subVI. Then you will have to connect the control on the connector pane.

You can place a network stream control like so:
In you main VI take the network stream wire and right-click it. Select create - control. Use strg+x to port the control from the main VI to the subVI.

Then follow the instructions here to connect the control to the connector pane.

There is possibly an easier way to do that but this works just fine.

Hope this helps!

LabVIEW 2012 32 bit

I am not an expert!
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Message 4 of 8

Sorry,but what is strg+x...... i amkinda beginner in Labview


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Message 5 of 8

As, BillTür mentioned, create the control by right clicking it.Then cut the control and paste it in the sub vi .

Link the control to the connector pane.


You can read the  tutorial posted by BillTür

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Message 6 of 8

BillTür  , Hey thanks man. that solved my problem,and strg is German for Control.I've just googled it.

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Message 7 of 8

Nothing to do with Labview 😉

I'm sorry, I'm talking about the keyboard, the command to cut and it is actually supposed to be ctrl+x. Just looked at my german keyboard and didn't think properly. Sorry abour that!

LabVIEW 2012 32 bit

I am not an expert!
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Message 8 of 8