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How to get channel information using RDA

I'm attempting to build my VIs in such a way that I have the user only supply the channel names while trying to get the device number using "Get Channel". I found the "Virtual Channel" on this site, which is fairly close to what I wanted.
However there is one problem, I can't get Get Channel Information to work using RDA channels (error -10003). Is there a reason, or better, a solution for this?
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Message 1 of 4
Currently, the Get DAQ Channel Names and Get Channel Information VIs will not return information on Virtual Channels located on remote machines. This feature is not available as of the current NI-DAQ driver release, version 6.9.3.

Justin Britten

Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 4
A workaround is to run the Get Channel Information vi on the remote machine and get the data back to the server progammatically, the easiest way is a datasocket connection.
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Message 3 of 4
Dear Justin,
I am having a similar problem as in this thread, I am sending a screen shot of the program I am using.  I am using  LabView 8, NI DAQmx 8, PXI-6259 Meries card. It is a real time remote system and not connected to my computer on which I am making the programs.
I want the pulses to appear on the output terminal that I choose, but when I browse in the counter1(s), the global virtual channels that I made in the remote system  icon in Max do not appear?
how can I make them appear so I can send the pulse signal to that output termainal?

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