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How to convert 1D array to scalar

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Hi Kedar,


@KedarGM wrote:

I have attached a file that converts all the data in an array to scalar. understanding this file would enable you to use the concept in your project.

Why do you need so many Rube-Goldbergs to do so?

  • The outer FOR loop is just the same as a ArraySize function!
  • The InsertIntoArray is just the same as BuildArray?
  • Why do you need to insert a dummy element?
  • Why do you need DeleteFromArray with this shift register? Why not use a simple IndexArray instead?
  • Why do you need DeleteFromArray/IndexArray anyway? Why not use autoindexing tunnels instead???
  • Why do you need an inner FOR loop to index one element?
  • Why is the indicator in the loop set to I32, when your array holds DBL data???





Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
Message 11 of 12

Thank you very much for the response. 

I thought only output from the loop can be scalar... 😛



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Message 12 of 12