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How do you open/play a .wav file (music file) without play sound file .vi

I am having big problems to create a music background for my project. I am newbie using labview and maybe my questions is not so dificult to solve (I hope so)

I was using play sound file vi but the problem is that I dont want the music file start automatically. I wanna control the start time using a button. I tried include a sound output stop but when the app start and I add more wav files in my vi, the sound file start, then stop abruptally because the stop vi and the everything is normal. I would like to eliminate that error.

Someone have any idea, maybe using open file or another way. 

Thanks in advance




I add a screenshot of my vi and also the vi in this post



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4

If using windows media player in labview is your idea, I can do that using labview 2010?

There are no way to do that using open file or something like that?

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4

I leave an example that can provide, use it in your program

Message 4 of 4