08-10-2015 05:55 PM
dN/dt = flux*fission rate* cross-section for absorption - decay rate * N? I am using a formula block X1*X1*X3-X4 where X4 is the output of the derivative time the decay constant. Should I be using the dervative or integral.Thanks
08-10-2015 07:40 PM
08-10-2015 08:10 PM
He's kind of split this into two posts. He's posted some code via dropbox in his other post (assuming the two are related).
08-11-2015 01:11 AM
08-11-2015 10:36 PM
Thank you for trying to help. It was my first post. I reposted this evening with an attachment which shows what I tried to do.
08-11-2015 10:38 PM
Thank you. Yes my posts were related. It was my first post and I was having trouble attaching my screen shot. I hope my newer post is clearer. Hoping to learn what to do, Kyle
08-12-2015 08:51 AM
Attaching an actual vi is generally prefered over a picture by the folks here on the forums. If the vi's aren't being attached properly, it is recommended to try zipping them, even if you are only trying to post a single vi.