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How could I disable open/close action which is caused by double click?

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When I double click the Level 1 and Level 2, all the children item will be opened or closed even on the symbols. But I don't want to see the open/close action caused by double click. Can I disable it?

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Message 1 of 4
Accepted by topic author MoonSailer

Try the Mouse Down? filter event on the tree control:



Message 2 of 4

It works, great thx.

But why there is no Mouse Up? filter event? It would be more helpful than Mouse Down? filter event in my case.

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Message 3 of 4

@MoonSailer wrote:

It works, great thx.

But why there is no Mouse Up? filter event? It would be more helpful than Mouse Down? filter event in my case.

And why is that? I could imagine that each mouse down needs a corresponding mouse up event. When discarding the mouse down there's also no mouse up (didn't test this). When only discarding a mouse up event the "symmetry" would be broken because there's one more mouse down than mouse up. This could cause some code to fail.


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Message 4 of 4