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How To Split Parameter Values



I have the following code which generates a lot of values stored in Parameter Values. How do I split this to see the individual values. Is it an array?





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Hi nevica,


The data type which is produced from this function is called a Cluster. Clusters are essentially a data type which allows the concatenation of multiple entries of data, quite like an array; however they allow entries of different data types rather than just one.


For example, the error terminals you have wired together contain a special type of Cluster called an Error Cluster. Error Clusters contain three different data types:


Status -  a Boolean which indicates if an error has occurred.

Code - a Numeric data type which contains a number which represents the specific error that occured.

Source - a String data type which indicates where in your VI the error occured.


These different data types are bundled together because they all logically represent different aspects of an Error.


In your VI, the parameter that is returned is of type cluster. If you right click on the cluster indicator and navigate to Create » Cluster, Class and Variant » Unbundle you will create a small node which can be used to view the individual contents of a cluster separately. You can stretch out the Unbundle function to view more entries of the parameter set. To place these items once you've manipulated back into their original cluster, use the Bundle function.


Best regards,

Alex Thomas, University of Manchester School of EEE LabVIEW Ambassador (CLAD)

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