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Heart Rate monitor



I'm trying to connect the AVR with the LABVIEW by using a serial port and it showing that error in the attached file, can you please help with this?

and also its not counting or showing any number while its running its shows the numbers till it stops

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 17

What is the protocol that you are using for sending data from the AVR? 

Does it have some kind of format? 

Looks like is just 0's and 1's in ASCII that you are sending. 

If you don't use a termination character, then disable it. 

If you have not implemented at response for IDN, then don't send that.

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 17

another question please


how can i  add a graph that shows the output of the response '00011100...etc'

so the graph it will show the pulses for the binary numbers

this is the latest file .

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 17

Initially, you attached PNG files. These generally aren't ideal for looking at VIs (consider attaching the VI file as a first choice) but they have the nice quality of being visible from a phone, etc.


Ideally, you would attach VI Snippets or VIs for cases like this - simple, single VI problems with relatively small block diagrams can be meaningfully displayed as a VI Snippet, a specially formed PNG file with the VI embedded. To create one of these, select the relevant parts of your VI on the block diagram (probably all - use Ctrl+A) and then go to 'Edit > Create VI Snippet from Selection' in the menu bars. These are fantastic, because they can be used in LabVIEW to edit easily, and still be viewed from a phone.


Now, you're attaching docx files. This is completely ridiculous - you must have started with an image file, probably using a screenshot (and paint?) to then insert the image in the text file. docx is a moderately proprietary format, and regardless of the prevalence of Microsoft Word on workplace computers (such as those where I have LabVIEW installed), and the willingness of e.g. Google Docs to open these files, it's utterly nonsensical to place an image (only!) in a file designed for word processing, then post it to a forum which is designed to handle entirely different files!


Please attach VIs or VI Snippets (or in the worst case, simple PNGs) in future.


If you want to change a text string containing 0 and 1 to a digital waveform, use the DTbl Spreadsheet String to Digital with a digital graph. The string values need to be separated by EoL characters for this to work. Use the string parsing primitives if that isn't what you have.

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 17

Here is the VI file, actually I am using the simple serial to count for me but I want to plot a graph that shows the number in the response how can I do that?

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 17

Perhaps you could search our online documentation for these sort of questions. It is not so clear to me what you are trying to achieve.


I would recommend looking at the following links for the types of graphs (static) and charts (which update) that are available, and then search the help reference and examples to find out how to implement it.

0 Kudos
Message 16 of 17


@shryan77 wrote:



i am so interested with heart rate monitor design in the attached file , it helped me a lot in my module. 

but i would like to ask about two things:

1- how if i wanted to add a new graph which is going to plot a binary numbers that are received from AVR by 'COM'?

2- Can someone explain for me the process of the design and what each part is doing?



if i want use mydaq  instead of simulate signal block will it support with the same filter values???

0 Kudos
Message 17 of 17