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I want to make custom Header for spread sheet.

Acutally i wanted to have BOLD text Header in spreadsheet.

Any idea plz...

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Message 1 of 6
The "Write to Spreadsheet File" only writes plain text, with no formatting. If you want an Excel file with bold headers, consider the Report Generation Toolkit. If you don't have that toolkit, you can do it yourself through the Excel ActiveX interface but it will be more work.
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6


I tried with report generation tool kit it works .

but the thing is when ever i suppose to generate new report using report generation tool kit it is generating the data from starting onwards .

i mean , i had generated one report using report generation tool kit it is fine , when ever i want to generate new report for second time it is generating the report from starting onwards, it is not able to capturing the live data at that perticular time of generation of new report. 

and i am not able to generate new excel sheet with different name periodically.(every 10 min one new report with serial number of files ).

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Message 3 of 6

If you have a problem, please attach a simplified version of your code. Otherwise, we cannot tell what you are doing wrong.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6

Do you see the Search bar in the upper right part of the Forum?  Type <Revised "> (don't type the angle brackets, but do type the space and quotation marks) and you'll find an Example I posted almost two years ago that illustrates generating a simple "fresh" Excel Report using the Report Generation Toolkit.


I've posted other examples (I'm not sure where they are in the Forum) that show how to open an existing Excel document and add to it.  [Or at least I think I've done this -- if you can't find it, let me know].   The basic idea is that when you call the New Report function, you can specify the name of an existing Excel workbook to be opened, and can then add data either "on top of" existing Excel data or at the end of the columns (there's a function in the RGT to find the end for you).


Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6

let me try this

Smiley Frustrated 

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 6