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Graph Plot



I have to plot 4 plots in a graph which has 3 scales(Y1,Y2 and X).In my four plots 3 needs to plot against Y1 and 1 against Y2.

I have provided cursor option in the graph.Whenever cursor is moved it has to show all 4 plots value according to cursor postion.

Is there any method to get the cursor position of all plots?I herewith attached the graph for ur reference.In this graph X axis is frequency

For each cursor move i need to get all 4 plot value at that X value.




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Message 1 of 14
in fact, it is possible, see attached files.
Let me know if it helps you.
Attached in 8.0, and a screen shot.
Best regards,
Message Edité par ramses64 le 12-03-2008 04:06 AM
Message Edité par ramses64 le 12-03-2008 04:07 AM
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Message 2 of 14
Hi, Please tell me is it possible do this in normal waveform graph..instead of mixed signal graph
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Message 3 of 14



     you can do this in waveform graph also.

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Message 4 of 14


Thanks for ur reply..In the mixed signal graph you have given the cursor(4 trace) option.Is it possible to provide same kind of cursor option in

normal waveform graph

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Message 5 of 14



   You can give n nuber of cursor, Right click on waveform graph>properties>cursors>Add.

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Message 6 of 14
I joined a new vi with waveforms (8.0), and the screen shot.
with my version (8.5), i have a little freeze, maybe you won't have this.
Let me know if it helps you.
Best regards,
P.S  for Geeta : Please read the entiere thread before posting ! The title of the message is "One cursor for a lot of plots", and not one cursor for each plots !! You're polluting the discussion. Please use your brain before cliking on "Post"
Message Edité par ramses64 le 12-03-2008 04:57 AM
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Message 7 of 14



Thanks for ur reply...i am using Labview 8.5.I am not getting Multiplot option in cursor window of the normal waveform graph properties.

Please tell me how did you get that option?

One more thing is the sample code test[1].vi which you sent to me displays only the points which we plot when we move the cursor, suppose if the plot has two points (1,1) and (2,1.5)....whenever the cursor is moved it is going either to 1 or 2 in the x axis.but i want the intermediate values also like at 1.1,1.12,1.5 (random x axis value) what is the y value?. This is some thing like how we will move the cursor when free dragging mode is selected.

Is there any method to achieve this?

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Message 8 of 14

In fact, you will never have a cursor free which could give you the intermediate values ! Just imagine : when you move your cursur, for each plot, the soft should do a linear regression to calculate the intersection of your plot and the cursor !!! => IMPOSSIBLE....


To make what I've done :
1) create a graph

2) create a cursor (whatever you want, because you will change its properties)

3) do the following code :


You whould have a cursor with the following properties :


I Hope It helps you. If it's the case, please close the subject by choosing the message which give the best answer to your problem.
Best regards,

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Message 9 of 14

You images do not appear since you chose to place them on a host that is often blocked. The simplest thing to do is to attach them to your post. I could make a rude comment about 'using a brain before clicking on 'Post'.


In any case, to interpolate the Y value with a free cursor is certainly not impossible. Just do the code below. For multiple plots, just add additional Interpolate 1D functions for each array.


Message Edited by Dennis Knutson on 12-03-2008 09:43 AM
Message 10 of 14