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Getting 2d array back from webservice

With the help of the wizard I am trying to get from web service 2d array but I am getting error

see attached file

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Message 1 of 4

Looking at your picture, it seems that you simply are trying to wire in an array with no data type to a 2D array of strings.  Have you tried changing the control that you are wiring into it to a control of the correct data type?

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Message 2 of 4

Thanks for your reply


The diagram that you saw in the picture was made automatically by the import\webrvice wizard

 Later on I tried to fix it by hand but it gave me same result ( right click and create control )

The webservice it self was written with

When I am pointing on the invoke node I am getting little yellow label that says "string [][] arr"

 see the new attach picture

Thanks In advance



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Message 3 of 4

I see.  1D array of 1D array is a data type that is used in .Net but cannot be used in LabVIEW.  Do you have access to the original .Net code that wrote the webservice?  You might consider changing this code to avoid the jagged array String()() data type.  From what I understand in, you can instead make a rectangular array using String(,) which (hopefully) will be understood correctly in LabVIEW.  

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