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Generating a single pulse in response to an external trigger

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I have a PXI-5412 arbitrary waveform generator, a PXI-6115 simultaneous sampler, and a PXI-6652 timing module. I'd like the PXI-5412 to produce a square pulse and the PXI-6115 to acquire a set of data in response to a digital trigger. (In the future I might want to generate a slightly more complex wavelet, but for now a square pulse will do).


I used this example as my reference. So far, I've successfully used NI-Sync to initiate data acquisition through DAQmx whenever the trigger arrives. However, I'm having trouble doing the same with the pulse generation. I've only been able to get NI-FGEN to produce continuous square waves, not single pulses.


The NI-FGEN Arbitrary Waveform Generator Express VI lets me select Finite Generation Mode. How do I set the same using non-express VIs?


While we're at it, is there a better way to accomplish my syncrhonization the the procedure I described (NI-Sync + DAQmx + NI-FGEN)?




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Accepted by topic author JKSH

You can achieve this by set trigger mode to single. You could also learn how express VI do that by right click on it>>Open Frontpanel.

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