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Gage R&R study (as Minitab)

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Hi Guys,

I have some Test Systems than I need to do the GR&R study,

but the systems it's getting a lot of measurements (more than 200 different: voltage, freq, Current, Timing, etc, etc, etc).

10 boards, 3 times each, in 2 or more sockets (the most of Test equipment has more than one position, normally 2 or 3)

We are in process to development and install in production many of these test equipment.

I normally use Minitab to compleate this GR&R study, but due the number of different measurements, it take me many days to compleate just one Tester.
any body did this kind of study using just LabView? I'm asking because, in LabView I can easy Filter the data, separate, process by Measurement, save the report, etc.
the report than I need is the picture, and I need one. 
and I add some sample data in excel format (just two diferent measurements but normally I'm getting >200)

Thank you!




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Message 1 of 6

LabVIEW has ANOVA VIs in the Probability and Statistics palette. Graphs similar to those in your image should be possible. It might take a bit of effort to get the format exactly like those but nothing jumps out as impossible.



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Message 2 of 6


yes I'm trying,


Thank you!

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Message 3 of 6

I'm going to Start a Project to generat e GageR&R using just LabView


At this time I'm investigating all formulas.


anybody want to help?


My idea is to have replace Minitab Grap (see attachment).


Please friends, let's do this!


Smiley LOL


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Message 4 of 6
Accepted by topic author LuisMontoya

Hi Luis,


anybody want to help?

Help for what?

Do you need help finding relevant formulas? Read scientific papers on that topic…

Do you need help programming in LabVIEW? First go through all beginners courses offered by NI, then ask specific questions on specific problems…

I thought you started that project a month ago. Did something change to start it over again today?


When you need someone to do all the work for you: there are special forums where you can hire people to create programs at your request!

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 5 of 6

Smiley LOL


Thank you for your Help GerdW


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Message 6 of 6