12-22-2005 10:09 AM
12-22-2005 10:15 AM
12-22-2005 12:35 PM
Thanks for the quick response. I have downloaded these drivers, however I get an error message saying that these vi's have been built with LabVIEW 4.0.2 and are to old to open with my LabVIEW 7.1.
12-22-2005 12:41 PM
03-07-2007 12:52 PM
Hey Guys,
I just found this on the Fluke site: Read the top header of the readme file below. You have to log on the Fluke site to download the files.
Download the "FL268x" drivers for the Fluke 2680, which will work with the 2640A & 2645A NetDAQ boxes. It states the drivers are written in 6.1 and this may work better than the older driver from 1999. I have not tried it yet.
Go Here: http://us.fluke.com/usen/support/software/DataUpgrade.htm
Read Me for LabVIEW Driver for the Fluke 2680 Series
"FL268x" is a LabVIEW 6.1 driver for the Fluke 2680A Data Acquisition System
and 2686A Data Logging System. This "FL268x" driver also supports the Fluke
NetDAQ model 2640A and 2645A Data Acquisition Units.
The "FL268x" driver was written for LabVIEW 6.1 on Windows XP, Windows 2000,
Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 98. Windows NT 4.0 requires WinNT Service Pack 6;
Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 is recommended for Windows 2000.
03-07-2007 12:58 PM
05-27-2009 04:15 PM
06-02-2009 05:02 PM
A technician in our lab is trying to get the lastest Fluke driver to work with a 2640 NetDAQ. There is an example buried in the library file. The example is not well documented and is not cooperating with any of our NetDAQ's. He is still struggling with it.
We could really use a strighforward example (the supplied example seems straightforward enough) that opens communications and, at the very least, allows us to spy a channel. If anyone has had any luck with this driver, please post a successful example.
06-30-2009 01:41 PM
07-02-2009 10:02 AM
Novica & Alabama Rick,
There is example code in the 268x package from Fluke that will execute.
If you can spy on a channel, you have successfully established communication.
Not sure what else you are trying to do, but if you are talking to the box, it's a good start.
All the links in all the threads and cross threads in this discussion should give you everything you need.
Also, read the attached document here may be some more help for you... I posted this in another thread. You may want to read this as depending on the age of your NetDAQ box, sometimes there are firmware issues with the box and not a Labview issue which can cause you to problems.
Additionally, make sure you get the correct code/driver package from Fluke since the 264x, and the Hydra's are totally different animals.
Good luck!