the problem may be due to the setting of the decimal delimiter character:
if on your PC the decimal delimiter is set to ',' then a conversion from
Fluke's ASCII data to another format might give wrong results. GPIB
instruments practically all use '.' as the delimiter and therefore driver
VIs usually make a conversion based on this setting.
If ',' is set on your PC, change it to '.' (under country settings) and
try again.
Pauwels schrieb:
> We need to read the measurements from our Fluke 45
> over an GPIB to our PC ( Labview 5.1 ).
> The problem is that the things we see on our PC are different to what
> our Fluke 45 displayes.
> Where just using the VI's from the driver for the Fluke 45 ( from NI
> ).
> Can it be that there are some settings
that we must change before we
> can start.
> Doesn't maybe anybody has the right VI's for us !
> thanks in advance