03-13-2014 08:05 PM
Hi All,
I have a big project need to build excutable but "Not enough memory for this operation" during the build.
Last time when I build it in LV2009 in windowsXP(32 bits), I have this problem too. I did "Enabling LabVIEW to Use up to 3 GB of Virtual Memory on Windows XP" as this help and build successfully.
Now my project growed (more classes,etc.) and it is LV2012 in Windows7(64 bits). According to the note in above link, "On 64-bit Windows, LabVIEW can access up to 4 GB of virtual memory by default. You do not have to take any action to enable LabVIEW to access up to 4 GB of virtual memory on 64-bit Windows." But when I build, I noticed the memory used by LabView is keep increasing, when it above 3 GB, "Not enough memory" error pop up. I follow "Enabling LabVIEW to Use up to 3 GB of Virtual Memory on Windows 7" in above help but set 6GB or 8GB (computer have 12GB memory total) instead of 3GB, but same issue, when above 3GB, not enough memory.
Is there a limit of 3GB in LV2012 ? How can I increase it so I can build ?
03-13-2014 08:56 PM
A 32bit application cannot address more than 4GB, period. You could switch to 64bit LabVIEW.
Maybe your code is very bloated for what it actually does. Try to streamline it.
Setting randomly high amounts in the configuration is completely misguided.
03-28-2014 04:51 PM
I found this page so I guess I cannot do it in 64 bit since the table stated “Not supported” for the 3 items I needed: NI-DNET, NI LabVIEW Real-Time Module and NI LabVIEW FPGA Module
I tried following but still "Not enough memory for this operation".
Sure I can streamline the code. It will take some time so I want to see if there is a way can build for current code.
03-28-2014 05:21 PM
@VCXO wrote:
I tried following but still "Not enough memory for this operation".
You psted the same link two weeks ago. Since you are apparently using Windows 64 bit, there is nothing to do. These instructions do not apply to you.
It is hard to believe that reasonable code can use so much memory, so you are probably doing something wrong. Typically most of the memory use is from large data structures, not code. What does the program do? Can you show us some code examples?
03-28-2014 05:49 PM
The project having some complex customer controls. Each control had dozens of clusters. Each cluster had enum, boolean, integer, etc.
I will try to remove them from project then build.
03-28-2014 05:55 PM
Do they contain default data?
03-28-2014 07:03 PM