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Existing ActiveX Methods/Properties no longer available

Hello there all,


I hope this is fairly straightforward, but i just recently went back to edit some code at my office computer and noticed that all my activeX properties and methods used for excel formatting are now "unknown". Attatched is a small example of what im seeing. Nothing shows up when clicked on or right clicking to create a new method/property. Thank you for any help! It is much appreciated!

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Message 1 of 10

I would guess your Office version was upgraded and the ActiveX Objects library was replaced with a newer one. You can try this: Right click the Excel._Application reference and select browse and go to the latest version of the Microsoft Excel object Library to relink the reference to the library.



Message 2 of 10

If you had attached VIs instead of pictures of VIs, we could (a) tell what version of LabVIEW was used to create the code, and (b) could try running it in our Installation and see if we get the same, a different, or no error.


How about attaching a VI or three?  Also, what version(s) of LabVIEW were you using, what version(s) are you currently using, and what version(s) of Office are you using?


Bob Schor

Message 3 of 10

Labview 2010 attached are a couple VIs. Excel 2007 is what i originally had installed. My office computer has since been updated to Office 360.

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Message 4 of 10



You were right, my version of Microsoft Office being upgraded. I went into the reference and browsed for the latest version, but a Microsoft Excel Version does not exist in my drop down list at my office computer.

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Message 5 of 10

 I am having the same issue how did you fix the problem. There are no Microsoft excel Activex app listed on the list for me.

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Message 6 of 10

What is your MS Office version?



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Message 7 of 10

I have labview 2018 with MS 2016

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Message 8 of 10

Any thoughts to how to fix the issue ?

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Message 9 of 10

How about the bitness of Office and LabVIEW? Are they both 64 or both 32-bit?


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Message 10 of 10