07-03-2017 12:36 AM
The Wireshark log shows the master tried to read some non-existent OD object of the slave. I'm not sure why this happens. Can you please provide your LabVIEW project here? I also need EPXETC001-IO-Modules_TwinCAT.xml which is the ESI for the modules.
07-03-2017 09:06 AM
Thanks for your asistance!
The XML file is the one with *.txt,
The VI used is DEMO Ehtercat, the project is Ethercat Test.
07-05-2017 12:33 AM
You're welcome.
After looking into the module ESI and your LV project. I believe InitCmds of the modules cause the error. One possible way to work around the problem is to remove the InitCmds section from the modules' ESI and send out these InitCmds manually in VI. However, this means you need to modify the ESI files. Do you think this is acceptable?
07-05-2017 09:59 AM
I don't see the problem modifying the ESI Files, and sending the InitCmds from the VI, the thing is I don't know how to do that.
Thanks for your assistance
07-06-2017 01:57 AM
I made an example on your project. To try the example, please follow instructions below:
1. Remove the <Mailbox>...</Mailbox> section of the modules you use in the EPXETC001-IO-Modules_TwinCAT.xml. I have done the work for the two modules used in the LV project: EP-125F and EP-3704. You can see the modified XML in the attachement.
2. Open <National Instruments>\Shared\IndComECAT\DD folder. Copy the GE_EPXETC001_TwinCAT.xml and EPXETC001-IO-Modules folder including the modified xml (step 1).
3. Close all NI software.
4. Open the LV project attachement. Deploy the RT target without chaning the Scan Engine mode to Active.
5. Run the DEMO Ethercat VI.
07-17-2017 09:56 AM
Hi, After trying the provided files and solution I got the following Error:
Error -2147138468 occurred at Invoke Node in WriteInitCmd.vi->DEMO Ethercat.vi
Possible reason(s):
CoE operation fails because the CoE service is timeout. Ensure that each device in the EtherCAT network is powered on and properly connected
I also did a wireshark capture, I think it got nothing weird, but I attach a link to it(it's to heavy to attach here I think)
07-18-2017 01:34 AM
Thanks for your feedback. I believe the error is caused by that EPXETC001 slave doesn't support NI's approach to access to the OD of EPXETC001.
Can you please provide the EPXETC001 manual on how to access to the module OD?
I'm also wondering what happens if you just ignore writing the InitCmds? Can you change the Scan Engine mode to Active? It seems the module InitCmds just write the module name and id to some OD object.
07-18-2017 04:50 PM
Those are the only two manuals I could get. I hope they work, thanks for yout time and assisntance!
07-18-2017 09:08 PM
You're welcome.
I looked through the two manuals you attached. I'm afraid they tell nothing on how to access to the module OD. Can you please ping the GE support if they have EtherCAT related manual?