12-23-2005 10:28 AM
12-27-2005 05:08 PM
I haven't seen this error before, but I would like to explore it. If possible, please attach as small a piece of code as possible which reproduces this issue and any relevant screenshots.
I look forward to your next post, and to exploring a solution.
Best regards,
Aluma G.
National Instruments
01-02-2006 07:57 AM
01-03-2006 02:03 PM
Glad to hear that you were able to build your application. Alias files
are not well documented at this time (but expect some documentation to come)
but basically outline target information for your specific project (for example
create a project with one simple VI, open the alias file in notepad and you
should see the association of the name "my computer" with your IP
address). You have the option of either using the default alias file, or
including a non-default one. The vast majority of the time users should
use the default. When you do this, the application is created using the
aliases file in the directory of the project file. If this file is
missing for some reason you will get the error you mentioned above (I was able
to get the error on my system from deleting the aliases file after creating the
EXE build but before building the application). I don’t know what you
mean when you say you included the .aliases file with your project, but I
suspect that just the mere creation of the .aliases file was sufficient to get
the build to happen. For future builds you should make sure that you are
using the default alias file, and that you save your project before building
(this is actually mandatory) to ensure that the .aliases file was created
Hopefully this helps a little more,
07-02-2006 05:37 AM
I got much of the same problem when I try to use the Build Specifications for mye project. I tryed to remove more and more of the project, untill it only sendt one shared variable, but the problem still accured. When trying to preview my build, it stands that the file: C:\Program Files\National Instruments\Labview 8.0\vi.lib\variable\RT\types\waveform_constant_array_dbl.vi does not exist.
This file does not exist on my computer, are anything wrong with my installation? the files are used everytime a shared variable are included into the project.
LabView comes with a tips to press Ctrl+Shift and the run arrow, but this didnt help.
thanks for any help
07-05-2006 05:54 PM