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ENUM Boolean control

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You know how you can click inside the box of an ENUM, or use the scroll arrows to have the list of ENUM choices pop up? How can I do this by using a different Boolean control on the front panel. My customer wants the user to be able to click on a big blue arrow to the right of the ENUM and have the ENUM menu pop up so that the user can scroll down and pick the item they want to activate the case structure. Either that, or I would like to be able to change the appearance of the up and down Labeled scroll arrows to look like the image the customer wants for the user. Thanks!

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Message 1 of 4

You could do this, which is when your button is pressed, generate a mouse click using the Windows API on the enum. Youd' do this by getting the enums location on the screen and generate the mouse click at a coordinate that will be seen as on the enum by your program. Or, you can right click and customize the control, press the little "wrench" and you can modify the up/down button images on the enum and replace them with your own.

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Message 2 of 4
Accepted by topic author mechqueen

Switching out the Labview arrows for my own big blue ones works well for scrolling. Thank you so very much.

Using one of my blue arrows to have the menu pop up sounds a little more involved than I thought it would be with having to know the coordinate of the ENUM box, but I will try it if the customer is not happy with just having the blue arrows for scrolling through the ENUM menu options. Thanks again.

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Message 3 of 4

@mechqueen wrote:

Switching out the Labview arrows for my own big blue ones works well for scrolling. Thank you so very much.

Using one of my blue arrows to have the menu pop up sounds a little more involved than I thought it would be with having to know the coordinate of the ENUM box, but I will try it if the customer is not happy with just having the blue arrows for scrolling through the ENUM menu options. Thanks again.

Yes, it would only become an issue if you want to use a system control for a more modern look rather than the LabVIEW control, becuase with the system control you cannot modify the arrows I don't believe. But if your customer doesn't care, then I'm glad this works. I'd suggest marking the solution so if anyone else has this issue they can see that it's solved and find the solution more easily.

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Message 4 of 4