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Driving VLC through ActiveX

        Hello folks,
        I'm trying to program Labview to drive VLC through ActiveX.My questions seem to blend in with those of the crowd:
           - How can I get it to simply play an mp3?
           - There seems to be little options to drive it. Has anyone managed to make it work.
         Well, I tried reinstalling it in the newest version available. I read pretty much all the questions already answered, and even found an example, but it doesn't work with my LV version.
           LV 8.0.1
           VLC 0.8.6c
           My application is a video player that allows me to control with precision at which point in the movie I'll start and end. Also controlling the display of subtitles.
            Does anyone has any clues?
                Thanks in advance
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Message 1 of 11
This is an example reading an mp3.
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Message 2 of 11
Hi i use this simple method to program VLC with Labview.
Using Internet exploler actieveX control.

using Internet explorer i can call the VLC GUI.
I use this way because VLC and Labview do not work fine.
see my example
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Message 3 of 11

Hello koeyers,


I don't understand how your program works. Furthermore, I don't see the links with vlc.


Can you help me because I want to do the same thing that you I think.


Thank you very much.



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Message 4 of 11

vincent219, i pulled it down and used it. Seemed okay to me.


open vi point to html file, run app. i added time delay on main loop. I mean no delay is bad design in a while loop. In the web page you select the location of the file you want to play. I used a RTSP stream and it came right up.


Still doesn't seem right to me. I'm working with VLC activex inside labview. This webpage not to sure about.

- A minute saved is a Minute earned!
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Message 5 of 11

I've been messing with VLC with labview for a little while here and can't get it to play using LV2011. I can get everything else to work but actually playing. I can check the version, add items to the playlist, clear the playlist and query how many items are in there but i just can't get it to play. Has anyone had any success?

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Message 6 of 11

Hi CTSControls,


I have run the exemple posted on this topic successfully on LabVIEW 2011.

Perhaps can you post your code and version of VLC in a new topic, so we can try to help you.


Thank you!

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Message 7 of 11

...and if you are going to post it in a new topic you might also post it in the more appropriate LabVIEW board Smiley Wink - this one here focuses on LabWindows/CVI...

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Message 8 of 11

I can try to post my bad activex VLC design tomorrow when i get to work.


I had nothing but problems with the VLC activex in labview though. I needed to stream a h264 stream from a camera and also control the PTZ.


Maybe i can cut and paste out the VLC part of the code since some of it is proprietary.


Okay so my problem was and still is. Once i start one video stream i cannot end it and start another one. I tried a bunch of things with no luck. My bad solution is open the app and start a stream. If you want to switch video streams close the app and reopen with new stream. Even better i have the app force close the previous app first just in case. so i can only have one instance of the front panel running at a time. 🙂


Maybe you could do the same and keep your own playlist and have a subpanel load and unload another front panel that has the activex full scren on it? Or you can figure out why VLC wont stop and load the next song/video in the playlists.


Now that i think more about it. It seemed like if i loaded a bad video or setting into the VLC i couldn't move on to the next item in the playlists. The only fix was to completly close labview and re run the app with correct file and settings. And even if i did get the correct video in i couldn't move on to the next either. So something wrong with activex and playlists in labview. Maybe the latest version fixes that issue.


p.s. i had better results with VLC version 1.0.5 .....i think that was the version. Labview would crash alot with the newer version at the time i tried it. May be better now. ( it may have been 1.1.11 that i was having issue with?) hmm looking at vlc site there is 2.0.3 now. Could try that one with labview.


p.p.s. also note that there may show up two VLC activex components. They are different versions and function a little different. Not sure why there is 2. may only be one now with 2.0.3?

- A minute saved is a Minute earned!
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Message 9 of 11

@Wolfgang, There seems to be a mistake with where this thread was originaly posted. This is a LabView topic not labwindows. Even the example is a for labview.


Maybe an admin or moderator can move this and delete this post and wolfgangs post to keep things clean 🙂

- A minute saved is a Minute earned!
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Message 10 of 11