05-11-2007 08:17 AM
05-11-2007 08:30 AM
I am pretty sure it is the same sequence that the code runs at full speed. However be cautious because things all slow down, so it is tricky to de-bug timing related problems. For that i just use loads of probes and indicators, then clean them all up when i am finished.
05-11-2007 09:40 AM
05-11-2007 12:15 PM
I agree that some parts of your code may take a little longer with highlighting turned on, and parallel sections might finish in different amounts of time. However, the overall sequence of your code will not change. 2 loops running in parallel will run the same whether highlighting is on or not. There is no guarantee how parallel code will run. Race conditions will exist with or without highlighting, and like Mike said, they may be more apparent with highlighting on.
If you write good code and pay attention to dataflow, none of this should matter anyway. Turning highlighting on will have no effect.