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Display palette on function right-click

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I'm currently using VIPM to install reusable code into the LabVIEW palettes. I notice that with many LabVIEW functions, I can right-click and have the option to click to view the palette where that function appears. I've not found how I can achieve this for my own additions. Is this possible?

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Message 1 of 7

I don't know the full answer to this question, but I'm pretty sure it is not a VIPM thing.  Attached is a image of a reuse VI I made which links back to the palette it is found at if you right click.  I didn't do anything extra in VIPM when making this package for this to happen, I just think that LabVIEW somehow knows where it came from by searching the palette for that same VI name.


That being said I have right clicked on a reuse function and have it not have this option.  So some times it works some times it doesn't but I don't think VIPM is what determines if it works or not.

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Message 2 of 7

I think it depends on the name of the VI.  When Quick Drop came out (which uses the pallet search methods) people were complaining that many of the OpenG items weren't found by Quick Drop.  Things like Wait (ms) were named the same in the pallet as the built in LabVIEW function, so the OpenG item was not able to be "found".  OpenG then added "(OpenG)" to the end of the name to distinguish it.

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Message 3 of 7

Tools>>Advanced>>Edit palette set.


You can link to an existing mnu, or link to an existing foler and the tool creates the .mnu.  then just move the functions to where you want them to appear.  You can even edit the icon displayed and remove "Private" scope vis (Leaving just your API for the Library on the palette)


Similar things can be done to the controls palatte to get your custom controls.

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7

Tim,  There is a QD shourt cut to make currect selection QD searchable  And a Shift added to that QD shortcut I believe adds the  selection to my Favorites with a drop contents switch.


Darren will probably drop in to refresh my memory on the shortcut........ (Ctrl+G ???)

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7

This doesn't seem to be caused by a name conflict. I've got VIs on my custom palette which I know will have unique names. I've not been able to get any further unfortunately.

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Message 6 of 7
Accepted by topic author adambro

For the benefit of anyone else interested in this issue, I've found the answer now thanks to Thoric at the recent Cambridge LabVIEW User Group. What I needed to set was the "Default Palette" for the library/class which is found on the General Settings page.


Coincidently however, the latest release of VI Package Manager has made this easier and this can now be set when building a package. See Add Palette to Library or Class.



Message 7 of 7