10-23-2008 11:16 PM
Hi guys,
What will be the best way to display images in sequence.
I have a folder that contains about 100 small size images, and I would like to display it on the screen with fading mode. That is, the first image will be displayed, then fade away, the second image will follow and so on. This images will be displayed on my front panel .
The images are sequentially named. like pic01, pic02, pic03.
Thank you.
10-23-2008 11:41 PM
You can use an Picture Ring and can copy all the pictures to that ring one by one. See the example vi attached this may help in some way.
10-24-2008 12:47 AM
10-24-2008 02:24 AM
First you copy the picture to paint and paste there. From there again copy the picture and right click on the ring control the option will be enabled. if any problem reply me.
10-24-2008 09:15 AM
If the image folder will change from time to time, you may want to read the files and display the results in a picture indicator.
In the File palette use the List Folder function to get an array of file names. Feed that array to a for loop which contains the Read JPEG or Read PNG File.vi followed by the Draw Flattened Pixmap.vi. If your pictures vary in size you can use property nodes to determine the sizes and zoom them to fit your display.
I have written a Slide Show VI which does all this. I have not tried to implement fading.
10-24-2008 10:49 AM
10-24-2008 11:28 AM
What version of LV are you using?
10-24-2008 05:31 PM
I use Labview 8.5. I also have access to 8.2
Thank you.
10-25-2008 12:16 AM
Can you post the VI.
10-27-2008 08:06 AM
I will try to post a simplified version of it later today.