10-27-2008 09:50 AM
Here is my Slide Show program (LV 8.5). Slide Show.3.vi is the top level VI. The Display.vi will move to the left. It is intended to display on a second monitor (projector). You may need to move it according to your hardware.
This program is a work in progress which I started several years ago and intended for my personal use. It has bugs and is not well documented. I cannot spend much time supporting it. You may modify or use it as you please.
The part which reads and displays pictures is in the Displays case of the state machine in the lower loop. It expects a folder with only JPEG or PNG files. Any other file types may produce strange results.
03-17-2014 09:41 PM
Actually even I have the same request. I want to import images sequentially from a folder. I tried the attached VI but could not understand the comment you made. Could you please send me the VI which can actually perform the task.
Santosh Vemula