I think I have a solution for this problem. Pass your waveform data into a "Get Waveform Components" and extract the "Y" values. Take this 1-D array and pass it into a "Delete From Array" function. Here you can specify the length of data you want to delete and an index. At the exit will be your deleted section and another data set that excludes the deleted section, hence the whole data block when combined. Now, use the "Build Waveform" function on both of these data sets to give you 2 waveforms. Then use the "Build Array" function to combine them together and send this into your graph. Now, you can use the plot controls on how the functions look to make one a solid line and another a dotted line. This seems to work alright with a fake data set I've put together; however, make sure it's generating what you'd expect from your data set.
Hope this helps,