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Determine if signal is changing?

Quick question:


I am acquiring a simple voltage signal from a pressure sensor.  And I am building a simple LabVIEW GUI for calibrating the measurement.

For the calibration, I am applying a knopwn pressure to the sensor.  And then I want to use LabVIEW to detect if the signal has stopped changing ... e.g., detect if it has settled to a steady-state voltage.

Any tips on a quick way to calculate this? 

I considered trying to fit a line to the last 5-10 seconds of data and then calculate the slope of the line ... if the slope is not very close to zero, then the signal has not flattened out.
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Use some of the statisics functions.

There is a distribution calculation function for an array.

If you detect that the distribution is small enough to be considered 'steady-state'  you can take the mean.



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