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Debugging Unlinked DLL

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I have a Labview program that controls a series of Thorlabs motion stages. This program was completely functional with no issues. It was then not used for a month and now all of a sudden doesn't work anymore with nothing having changed. When the program is opened, Labview has trouble finding this one specific DLL, and when I manually select the DLL through the file browser it loads without errors. However the program does not recognize any of the functions that were contained in that DLL and will not run. This has happened once before and the solution was to delete all the function calls to that DLL and manually replace them with a newly created versions. Is there a more elegant way to relink the DLL to the functions or to better debug this issue?  


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Accepted by topic author photon13



From example code: Thorlabs Motion Control DLL's must be opened from the project explorer menu, and fail in a strange way if opened differently. 

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