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Daqmx windows8/windows7/windows xp compatability

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Not sure if this is a problem other people have noticed - but I have an application that has been running on windows 7/windos XP - which mostly worked apart from a few issues when some code needeed recompiling when it was moved.  Recently however we got a new computer running windows 8.1 - and installed labview on it - only to find that all the measurement vis with daqmx are now broken - because it can't find the correct vis for setting up channels etc. 


I have all the correct modules installed, and in principle could fix it the vis affected by creating a win 8 version -  but then would have two versions in paralell to maintain - which would suck.


Any thoughts?  Can i force it to be cleverer where it looks - or reinstall it so it installs to the correct place?



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Message 1 of 5

Hi wideofthemark,


Can I ask what version of LabVIEW you have installed and what version the application was written in?


Kindest regards,

Matt H
Applications Engineer
National Instruments UK
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5



I originally started developing a few years ago in LV ~2009(?) But over time have updated and currently am using LV 2013.  I am using, and developing it within the development version.  The issue as far as i understand it (though am happy to be corrected) is not so much the version of labview - but how it is installed on different versions of windows - I have labview 2013 on Windows XP, windows 7, and now windows 8.



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Message 3 of 5
Accepted by topic author wideofthemark

Hi JP,


There should be no compatibility issues between Windows 8.1 and LabVIEW 2013, this is the same combination I use myself on my personal computer. The first step I would recommend is reinstallation of DAQmx. You can remove this from the National Instruments software entry in programs and features within control panel. I'm not sure what version you're using at the moment (It might be useful to know if you can find out) but you can download the latest version from our website


I hope this helps!


Kind regards,

Matt H
Applications Engineer
National Instruments UK
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5



Thanks for the suggestion.  I reinstalled it - or at least a different version - the DAQ mx 9.8.0 version - seems like the previous ones were not compatible with LV 2013 (even if they are with windows 😎



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Message 5 of 5