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Create time-limited license for my application



I have created an application for my client, but i would like to add in a function below into my software for license renew.


For example, after the application is used in a PC for one year, it will be locked and will ask user to renew the license, to activate the application again.


Is there anyway can create the time-limited license for my application?


My application is developed by LV 8.5.1.


I am appreciated for your feedback.





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Message 1 of 5

LabVIEW does not provide such a feature for applications, you are creating with it.

So, it is your task to implement such a feature into you own application.


Licensing is always a tedious thing: It is restrictive and some kind of overhead, but does not securily prevent misuse... so you have to evaluate on your own what kind of licensing/activation you are using.

Some suggestions:

- Registry entry: Can be changed by anyone familiar with the registry, might be some sort of "date to expire".

- INI-File: If encoded, what about deleting this file?

- Activation tools like FlexLM: Worth the effort?


And never remember: What about the user changing the system time???


In short: You can put much effort with less result into this. So make sure that this is really wanted....




CEO: What exactly is stopping us from doing this?
Expert: Geometry
Marketing Manager: Just ignore it.
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

The Third Party Licensing & Activation Toolkit will do what you want, but you need LabVIEW 2010 or later.


There was even a NI-Week presentation: NIWeek Session: Creating a Software Evaluation for your Product in 10 minutes



Still, I agree with Norbert that an expiring licens is a very dumb idea. What if you go out of business? What if you are on vacation while their license expires? What is the system is on a space flight to Mars?


I would never install software that expires, because if it cannot be guaranteed that it will run a year from now I might as well not use it at all.  If NI would do the same, your LabVIEW 8.5 would have stopped working long ago. 😄


If you want to ensure that users upgrade to a new version, make sure to add new and exciting features. Offer service subscriptions, etc.



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Message 3 of 5

Hi Norbert,


I agree with your statement. Your advice is is helpful. Thanks.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

Hi Altenbach,


This Third Party Licensing & Activation Toolkit is really useful and user friendly. Sad that i do not have the Labview 2010 or later.


May I know can the Labview 2010 trial version support it?



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Message 5 of 5