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Create a program that uses a DB to be shared

I made a small example, but its not working, and I was wondering if you could please check it out.

I am using access 2016 and LV2016.

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Message 11 of 30

Do you get an error?  What does it say?

I'm going to assume that you do get an error, something about wrong datatype.  If so, you need to cluster your data, not convert it to an array.  An array is not a valid datatype for writing to a dB.  Read the help file for the DB Insert Data VI and look at the entry for the data input.  It explains how the function interprets the clustered data, depending on the number of columns and if you have a columns input wired up.  

Heads up! NI has moved LabVIEW to a mandatory SaaS subscription policy, along with a big price increase. Make your voice heard.
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Message 12 of 30

I am getting no error, it just doesn't save anything.

How should I write multiple values to db?

Please take a look at the VI.


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Message 13 of 30

How would I do this, with mdb 2003?

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Message 14 of 30

Someone please help!

I really need to finish this.


0 Kudos
Message 15 of 30

Don't be pushy.  We all have jobs.  Smiley Wink


Create a text file on your desktop and rename it to test.udl.  Double click the UDL and configure a connection using the proper OLEDB driver (your VI says you are using Jet.OLEDB), point it to your dB file and test the connection.  Does this work?  If so, edit the UDL file with a text editor and post what you see in the file.  You should see something like this:


; Everything after this line is an OLE DB initstring
Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False; Data Source=MS Access Database



Heads up! NI has moved LabVIEW to a mandatory SaaS subscription policy, along with a big price increase. Make your voice heard.
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Message 16 of 30

It says: ensure it is a valid data link file.

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Message 17 of 30

You are going to have to be more descriptive.  Did you test the connection?  Do you get a successful connection?  Take a screenshot of the Provider and Connection tabs.  I need to see what OLE drivers are installed.  Do you have Jet or Ace driver installed?  If not, you will need to go download one of the other.  

Heads up! NI has moved LabVIEW to a mandatory SaaS subscription policy, along with a big price increase. Make your voice heard.
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Message 18 of 30

Connection succeeded, but still can't store data in db.

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Message 19 of 30

I found the labview has version 4, but I need version 12.

I was also wondering if its possible to use the udl you told me to create, and that established connection, instead of a connection string?

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Message 20 of 30