06-17-2013 10:51 AM
Try using "feedback". It will store and send the object to the next iteration
06-17-2013 10:51 AM
Try using "feedback". It will store and send the object to the next iteration
06-17-2013 12:31 PM
@ldaokang wrote:
Try using "feedback".
This thread is half a year old and solved. If you think you have a significantly improved solution, you need to explain why it is better and maybe show an example.
What is a "feedback"? That term is ambiguous! If you are maybe talking about a "feedback node", that's not any different than the shift regsiter suggested above.
@ldaokang wrote:
It will store and send the object to the next iteration
Yes, a feedback node as well as a shift register both store data, but they will not "send" anything. The term "sending" implies copying of data, while these functions typically operate "in place" as much as possible. The word "Object" also has a special meaning in LabVIEW, so it should not be used as a generic term.
In any case, your post is too cryptic to be of any use. As I already said, shift registers and feedback nodes are typically interchangeable. We could take my solution, right-click the shift register, and "replace with feedback node". Nothing new and improved! 😄
02-15-2017 11:39 AM
To the labview moderators, this is not very well explained in the tutorial, and something I have been struggling with for over a week. However it is extremely vital when trying to save data being taken in a while loop.
The ability to use shift registers in combination with two arrays is not wholly obvious. (At least it wasn't to me). I was unable to open this version because until recently I only had labview 8 and 8.2. As such I strongly suggest this type of layout, where you store the data into an array, put this array into a second array, and then send this array into a shift register, be explained somewhere in the tutorial, as I imagine there are people like me who would greatly appreciate it. That being said, thank you very much for this .vi.
02-16-2017 04:58 PM
Thanks for the idea! I think that's a great point.
On the forums we have an "idea exchange" (see below) where you could post an idea for changing or making examples and as those get voted on they get implemented internally.
Thanks again for the post!