03-02-2011 01:15 PM
I want to make a script that has three inputs (start,stop,increment) (all of them are integers)
For example:
Start: 140
Stop: 180
Increment: 2
The output of the script should be 140,142,144…..180
My problem:
The loop continuous until the stop integer (in this example 180) is reached. Only the stop integer (180) exits the loop. How do I edit the VI to get all the integers in between the start en stop as well?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
This application is made in Labview 8.5
03-02-2011 01:51 PM
03-02-2011 02:00 PM
I could be wrong but wont on the second itteration of the loop you will 2x1=2 + 140 = 142 , then on the third itteration 2x2=4 +140=144 ?
03-02-2011 02:02 PM
Sorry, I read the problem incorrectly!
03-02-2011 02:04 PM
Note , he will need to enable auto indexing to get the array part to work.