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Converting array of waveforms created from auto-indexing of while loop into single waveform

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Hi, so my task is to take resistance data and perform a FFT. The way the program operates is inside the while loop during 1 iteration, 70 resistance data points are taken and converted to a waveform using the build waveform VI. The waveform is then wired to the outside of the while loop to auto index into an array. So once the while loop is done iterating completely, I am left with an array of waveforms. I then want to perform a FFT on all of the resistance data. So my question is how do I take this array of waveforms and convert it into a single waveform that is able to accurately perform the FFT? Or if there is a better method to achieving an accurate FFT of this data that you may know of? If anyone has any suggestions or can be of any help, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. I would attach the program but it involves numerous data acquisition devices and would most likely be of no help.

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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author loudoe77

There is the Append Waveforms VI.  But my recommendation would be to use the Concatenating option for the output tunnel with the data array.  You can then use the Build Waveform.

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Message 2 of 3

Thanks crossrulz, should have thought of that myself

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