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Communicating with a tektronix DPO7254



I'm trying to set up a Tektronix DPO 7254 so that I can acquire data from the oscilliscope using another PC that has additional controls I can use alongside with the data aquisition. I downloaded the drivers from the NI site and they seem to be recognised by labview (8.2) and connected the 7254 to the PC via a com cable. I then tried one of the test programs in the example folder, but none of the com ports seem to communicate with the oscilliscope. The program just hangs and then I get an error stating


rror -1073807346 occurred at VISA Write in Tektronix 7000 Series.lvlib:Error>Tektronix 7000 Series.lvlib:Configure>Tektronix 7000 Series Acquire Multiple


Am I doing something stupid here? Or does the driver only work when installed on the 7254 itself?



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As you should have seen from the driver page, the only supported interfaces are GPIB, USB, and Ethernet. Are you sure the serial port on the scope can be used for remote control? A basic step before running any LabVIWE code is to use a program such as Hyperterminal to check com settings and cable.


If in fact the serial port works, you will probably need to modify the driver. You would also typically run the initialize function before doing anything else. Select the resource by clicking on the little arrow on the right side of the VISA resource name control. If you do that, you would be selecting only valid resources.

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