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Close matlab session leaves memory leak

Dear community,


I struggle with the sequence: Open Matlab Session -> Call MATLAB Function -.> Close Matlab Session. The Matlab function is rather simple, only simple values are passed to it. However even after 'Close Matlab Session' the session seems to allocate memory. An instance of Matlab, that is started in context of posted VI remains in task manager after executing the VI. When running the VI several times, the reference increments, which indicates that the memory is not properly freed. 



Any ideas on how to properly free up all memory? Or further investigate this issue? Are there possibilities to sandbox current VI?


I am using Matlab R2022b, Labview 2022Q3 on Windows 10.


Looking forward to your advice,

best wishes

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Message 1 of 3

I don't think anyone can troubleshoot this from a collage of truncated and redacted screenshots.


Can you attach some code and tell us what you are trying to achieve with all this?

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Message 2 of 3

Hello altenbach, thanks for your reply. I want to run Matlab code from Labview and re-use the results in Labview.


To reproduce please run -> Tools -> Profile -> Trace Execution... with Capture Settings Memory Allocations.


And execute attached Please locate test.m next to


Looking forward to your response

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Message 3 of 3