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Checkbox in table or listbox help -

This should be simple but instead I'be been stumped for a couple days off and on.


I have a data set that is contained in a table; the user needs to select multiple rows of this data that kicks off a test sequence. My problem is how in the world to have the user select the data? From an operator standpoint putting a checkbox in the rows they want to test is the way to go.


Details -


- I don't know how many rows the table will contain as every test is different but usually will produce between 1 and 100.

- They need to be able to scroll through the data and select what they want to test.






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Message 1 of 5

Probably 100 ways to skin this cat, but without diving into to changing you GUI too much, switch to a multi-column list box.  Set the property for selecting the entire line and then they make selections the same way you do in windoze, shift click to select all items between two points or ctrl click to select and add/delete one at a time.  

If they need to edit items in the table, you can allow that.


If you must have checkboxes, you can add a symbols column and programmability 'check' or 'uncheck' boxes, but I believe this is more than you will want to fool with.



Oh and Go Schumi (well maybe next year. 🙂

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Message 2 of 5

I often use a loop just to synchronize the display of two related arrays like this



"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

I found this searching the forums -


This is EXACTLY what I am trying to do; now if I can just understand how the index was swapped for the slider. I know it explains how I just can't seem to grasp what is happening.



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Message 4 of 5

I ended up creating a cluster with the desired controls and dropped it into an array. This works very well.


Can anyone point me in the direction to move the scroll bar from the right to the left side? The only way I can seem to do it is to use a scroll bar along side the array and using property nodes control the index. I would prefer it be a custom control but can't seem to move it from right to left.





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Message 5 of 5