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Can't compile in module 9501 in Compact Rio 9075

I can't compile in module 9501 in Compact Rio 9075. The 9501 lights are flashing, and I can see it in labview project and MAX although, when I make a VI and compile it into the compactRio it shows me the error:

Compilation failed due to a Xilinx error.



ERROR:TclTasksC:process_077: Failed to complete. Please inspect the log and report files.false

    while executing

"process run "Synthesize - XST""

    (file "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\ge0M5GQ_Maqb8s4\synthesize.tcl" line 20)



ERROR:HDLCompiler:821 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\ge0M5GQ_Maqb8s4\Crio9501SpiRegisters.vhd" Line 175: Target slice is 5 elements ; value is 4 elements

Netlist Crio9501SpiRegisters(Rtl) remains a blackbox, due to errors in its contents

Elaborating entity <Crio9501MicrostepTable> (architecture <Rtl>) from library <work>.

Case statement is complete. Others clause is never selected and therefore discarded.

Elaborating entity <cRioCalMultiply> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.

Elaborating entity <Crio9501CommunicationCtrl> (architecture <Rtl>) from library <work>.

Elaborating entity <Crio950xBusCtrl> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.

Elaborating entity <cRioStock> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.

Elaborating entity <cRioStockModuleId> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.

Elaborating entity <cRioStockModeSelector> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.

Elaborating entity <cRioStockSpiEngine> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.

Elaborating entity <cRioStockEePromRead> (architecture <rtl>) from library <work>.

Elaborating entity <Crio9401Resource> (architecture <behavioral>) with generics from library <work>.

Elaborating entity <Crio9401ResourceCore> (architecture <behavioral>) with generics from library <work>.

Elaborating entity <cRio9401> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.

Elaborating entity <Crio9401ControlSm> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.

Elaborating entity <Crio9401CommSm> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.

Elaborating entity <Crio9401IoControl> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.

Elaborating entity <bushold> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.

Elaborating entity <HandshakeBaseResetCross> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.

Elaborating entity <DFlopBool> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.

Elaborating entity <DFlopSlvResetVal> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.

Elaborating entity <ResetSync> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.

Elaborating entity <ResetSync> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.

Elaborating entity <HandshakeBaseResetCross> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.

Elaborating entity <DFlopSlvResetVal> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.

WARNING:HDLCompiler:871 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\ge0M5GQ_Maqb8s4\bushold.vhd" Line 291: Using initial value 0 for clk40srcount since it is never assigned

WARNING:HDLCompiler:871 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\ge0M5GQ_Maqb8s4\bushold.vhd" Line 292: Using initial value false for cregread since it is never assigned

WARNING:HDLCompiler:1127 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\ge0M5GQ_Maqb8s4\bushold.vhd" Line 298: Assignment to ccount ignored, since the identifier is never used

WARNING:HDLCompiler:1127 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\ge0M5GQ_Maqb8s4\bushold.vhd" Line 299: Assignment to clk40wideread ignored, since the identifier is never used

WARNING:HDLCompiler:1127 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\ge0M5GQ_Maqb8s4\bushold.vhd" Line 300: Assignment to clk40widewrite ignored, since the identifier is never used

WARNING:HDLCompiler:1127 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\ge0M5GQ_Maqb8s4\bushold.vhd" Line 315: Assignment to clk40widedataout ignored, since the identifier is never used

WARNING:HDLCompiler:1127 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\ge0M5GQ_Maqb8s4\bushold.vhd" Line 439: Assignment to busclkwidewrite ignored, since the identifier is never used

Elaborating entity <NiFpgaRegFrameworkShiftReg> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.

WARNING:HDLCompiler:634 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\ge0M5GQ_Maqb8s4\bushold.vhd" Line 289: Net <Clk40Shifter.Clk40SrDataOut[31]> does not have a driver.

Elaborating entity <IDSel_Timer> (architecture <behavioral>) with generics from library <work>.

Elaborating entity <Sleep> (architecture <behavioral>) with generics from library <work>.

WARNING:HDLCompiler:1127 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\ge0M5GQ_Maqb8s4\Sleep.vhd" Line 75: Assignment to din_enable_clr ignored, since the identifier is never used

WARNING:HDLCompiler:1127 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\ge0M5GQ_Maqb8s4\Sleep.vhd" Line 76: Assignment to din_enable_in ignored, since the identifier is never used

Elaborating entity <Interface> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.

Elaborating entity <NiFpgaDragonfliDmaFifos> (architecture <behavior>) from library <work>.

WARNING:HDLCompiler:871 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\ge0M5GQ_Maqb8s4\Interface.vhd" Line 192: Using initial value (('U','U',"UUUUU")) for iirqoutarray since it is never assigned

WARNING:HDLCompiler:871 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\ge0M5GQ_Maqb8s4\Interface.vhd" Line 194: Using initial value ("UU") for iirqstatusoutarray since it is never assigned

WARNING:HDLCompiler:634 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\ge0M5GQ_Maqb8s4\Interface.vhd" Line 110: Net <DmaBlk.DmaClkArray[0]> does not have a driver.

WARNING:HDLCompiler:634 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\ge0M5GQ_Maqb8s4\Interface.vhd" Line 112: Net <DmaBlk.DmaRwDataInArray[0][0]> does not have a driver.

WARNING:HDLCompiler:634 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\ge0M5GQ_Maqb8s4\Interface.vhd" Line 114: Net <DmaBlk.DmaRwTimeoutArray[0][31]> does not have a driver.

WARNING:HDLCompiler:634 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\ge0M5GQ_Maqb8s4\Interface.vhd" Line 115: Net <DmaBlk.DmaRwEnableInArray[0]> does not have a driver.

WARNING:HDLCompiler:634 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\ge0M5GQ_Maqb8s4\Interface.vhd" Line 117: Net <DmaBlk.DmaRwEnableOutClearArray[0]> does not have a driver.

WARNING:HDLCompiler:634 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\ge0M5GQ_Maqb8s4\Interface.vhd" Line 118: Net <DmaBlk.DmaCtEnableInArray[0]> does not have a driver.

WARNING:HDLCompiler:634 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\ge0M5GQ_Maqb8s4\Interface.vhd" Line 120: Net <DmaBlk.DmaCtEnableOutClearArray[0]> does not have a driver.



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 9

Elaborating entity <ViControl> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.

Elaborating entity <SafeBusCrossing> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.

Case statement is complete. Others clause is never selected and therefore discarded.

Elaborating entity <HandshakeBaseResetCross> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.

Elaborating entity <DFlopSlvResetVal> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.

Case statement is complete. Others clause is never selected and therefore discarded.

Elaborating entity <DiagramReset> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.

Elaborating entity <SafeBusCrossing> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.

Case statement is complete. Others clause is never selected and therefore discarded.

Elaborating entity <HandshakeBaseResetCross> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.

Elaborating entity <DFlopSlvResetVal> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.

Case statement is complete. Others clause is never selected and therefore discarded.

Elaborating entity <ViSignature> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.

WARNING:HDLCompiler:746 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\ge0M5GQ_Maqb8s4\NiFpgaCtrlIndRegister.vhd" Line 56: Range is empty (null range)

WARNING:HDLCompiler:746 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\ge0M5GQ_Maqb8s4\NiFpgaCtrlIndRegister.vhd" Line 57: Range is empty (null range)

WARNING:HDLCompiler:746 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\ge0M5GQ_Maqb8s4\PkgNiUtilities.vhd" Line 336: Range is empty (null range)

Elaborating entity <NiFpgaCtrlIndRegister> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.

Elaborating entity <NiFpgaHostAccessibleRegister> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.

Elaborating entity <NiFpgaCtrlIndRegister> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.

Elaborating entity <NiFpgaHostAccessibleRegister> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.

Elaborating entity <NiFpgaCtrlIndRegister> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.

Elaborating entity <NiFpgaHostAccessibleRegister> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.

Elaborating entity <NiFpgaArbRW> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.

WARNING:HDLCompiler:746 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\ge0M5GQ_Maqb8s4\NiFpgaArbRW.vhd" Line 91: Range is empty (null range)

WARNING:HDLCompiler:746 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\ge0M5GQ_Maqb8s4\NiFpgaArbRW.vhd" Line 92: Range is empty (null range)

WARNING:HDLCompiler:746 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\ge0M5GQ_Maqb8s4\NiFpgaArbRW.vhd" Line 101: Range is empty (null range)

Elaborating entity <CustomArbFordinPortOnResSleep> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.

Elaborating entity <CustomArbForMiteIoLikePortOnResInterface> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.

WARNING:HDLCompiler:1127 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\ge0M5GQ_Maqb8s4\CustomArbForMiteIoLikePortOnResInterface.vhd" Line 53: Assignment to interfaceclockregportin ignored, since the identifier is never used


Total memory usage is 161212 kilobytes

Number of errors   :    1 (   0 filtered)

Number of warnings :   33 (   0 filtered)

Number of infos    :    0 (   0 filtered)

Process "Synthesis" failed


Start Time: 11:50:44

End Time: 11:51:15

Total Time: 00:00:31


0 Kudos
Message 2 of 9



And thanks for posting here.


Do you use Scan Interface or not?Did you tried to compile a blank VI on your cRIO?


Could you please post your code?



Jérémy C.
NI France

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9


Thanks for your reply. In fact I can see all the modules in the labview project. I have got a 9501 module which connect to NEMA 17 motor and a 9423 module which connect to limit sensors.

I can compile when I make a VI related to the 9423 module. The problem is when I make a simple VI related to the 9501 module, it crashes with the error. I suppose the problem is bad installation of the 9423, but I am not sure and I don’t know how to solve it.

Thanks in advance.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 9

Did you try to move the 9501 module on another slot and to create a new project?

And you wanted to say that there is a problem about the 9501 installation, right?

Jérémy C.
NI France

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 9

Could you please take a look to this document and tell me the version of LabVIEW and NI-RIO that you use in your next post?


I also join you the Operating Instructions and Specifications of the 9501 :



Jérémy C.
NI France

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 9

Like you have advised me, I moved the 9501 module to another slot, created a new project and the error was the same and yes, I was wondering if wasn’t an installation problem.

I have looked already to the example file… and the error continues the same. My LabVIEW is 2010 spring professional with NIRIO 4.0.0.

You can find in attachment an image of what I have installed in the compactRio. I haven´t installed the item indicated by the red arrow because appears an error saying that I need to install the  LabVIEW RT 11.0 and LabVIEW Real-Time 11.0.0. Although, I have installed it before the FPGA and in the NIRIO 4.0.0. So, I don´t figure out how to install it!!

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 9

As it said in the following file ( readme.html ), NI-RIO 4.0 is when you have installed LabVIEW 2011, LabVIEW Real-Time 2011 and LabVIEW FPGA 2011. In your case, you work under LabVIEW 2010 so try to install the NI-RIO 3.6 instead of the 4.0 version which is available here : NI-RIO 3.6





Jérémy C.
NI France

Message 8 of 9

Dear Mr. Jérémy

Many thanks for your help; I have solved the problem installing Labview 2011 and maintaining the NIRIO 4.0.0.

In the end, I suppose that labview 2010 is not compactable with NIRIO 4.0.0.


Best Regards

José Pedro

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 9