01-12-2010 10:45 PM
In my setup, the computer where the LV app will be running has two network cards, with two different IP addresses. On the test hardware outside the computer, I have a device (also with two different IP addresses) that will send 2 messages to the two different IP addresses (but to the same port number).
Is there a way I can open two UDP read sessions (one for the IP1 and one for IP2) that needs to listen to the same assigned port number?
It's a little confusing, but bascially:
Device Computer ---------> Port 1000 ---------> Port 1000
Note: the "Device" will send out both messages continously.
Right now, what I did was:
1) Open the 1.1 to 1.2 session, received the UDP message from
2) Closed the UDP read session of 1.1 to 1.2.
3) Open the 0.1 to 0.2 session, BUT received the UDP message from rather then
Does the app bind the port to one UDP instance/Network address?
01-13-2010 12:39 PM
I don't believe that there is any network address binding. The UDP Open VI determines which network card you are using and the UDP read function determines which IP address you pull the data from. Since you are specifying all of the parameters, it should not carry over after you close a session. There may be a wait required for the connections to reset. Are you doing this programmatically, or are you stopping and restarting your VI? Can you send a screen shot of both of your UDP connections on your block diagram?
Nick Keel
Applications Engineering
National Instruments
01-13-2010 12:49 PM
I tried to add a time wait between open and closing of the two UDP sessions.
But becuase there's a timing requirement on my end, I have to open the second UDP session within 0.5 seconds after closing the first one.
I went back and check the code and I see that before I use the second session to read the UDP port, I opened a UDP connection with the same port, send it out to the device, then closed the connection. Let me try to not specify a port on the first UDP connection and see if that resolves my issue.
chi P.